Today felt like early Springtime. We went to the Parc de Belleville with my sister E and her little boy and we saw the first flowers blossoming from the ground. What a sweet feeling to know that soon we'll be able to put the coats and boots back in the closet and enjoy the sun again. My sister bought summer clothes at American Apparel, and it was good to think of Summer again.
I want to walk in the sand and feel the sun on my shoulders.
I hope this Summer we can do something nice with the children. I wish we could plan our holidays well in advance and just dream the time away up to the holidays, but somehow we never do. Do you have any plans for this Summer? Do you plan early or just decide at the last minute?
Moi aussi j'ai des envies de soleil,de lumière,de vetements plus légers....bref que l'hiver se termine.
Pour ce qui est de nos voyages:pas de règle!Certains sont planifiés car ils ont besoin de l’être:réservation hôtels et avion par exemple...mais on part aussi en last minute parfois...plutôt pour les destinations proches.....On part à Bruges à l'ascension,à Budapest en avril et on prévoit une semaine à Saint-Pétersbourg ou Copenhague en été.....Belle journée à toi
Oh how wonderful! We are still so far from the fist flowers in here! It seems to be pretty warm in there. I'm also very bad at planning holidays well in advance! Now planning a short holiday in Copenhagen and dreaming also of a holiday in Italy, but lets see :)
Your pictures made me so happy in this morning with those flowes!
Thank you
Enfin - Spring on the horizon!
Enfin - Spring on the horizon!
c'est joli, tous ces crocus...
Je me languis d'un bout de ciel bleu... Ils annoncent de la neige pour la semaine prochaine, je dois avouer que je n'en peux plus.
cet été, grand déménagement !!!
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