Monday, March 5, 2012


It was raining yesterday. We were out for a walk at the Jardin des Plantes, so we ended up at the museum La Grande Galerie de l'Evolution, one of the most interesting museums to visit with children in Paris, where so many animals are presented along with the explanation of the evolution of the species from the beginning of life till today, all of that in a breathtaking building. It was good to walk in the dark rooms, and get lost amongst the crowd of these impressive animals. Just what I needed after my incursion in the fashion world...

My iphone showed its limits and took bad quality pictures, but I still like their darkness and blur. It was a perfect moment with my children and I don't need perfect pictures to remember how passionate Florina was, and how she methodically looked at each extinct species, as if she was paying them a tribute (she is very much concerned about the problems of our planet and the endangered species, and worked several times on the subject at school), and how Swann seemed fascinated by everything he saw...


French Cannes Cannes said...

Is the museum in the jardin des plantes? We were walking around Paris when it started raining...a museum would have been a brilliant idea. Instead we went to the Champs (Copain's idea, not mine!). I need to remember this astuce for the next rainy parisian day...

Anabelle said...

Yes it is in the Jardin des Plantes, and it's amazing. The greenhouse is too, and a great way to warm up on cold rainy days :)
As for me, a little (window) shopping at les Champs would have been fun too, but maybe without the kids ;)

Round Circles said...

Comment s'est passé cette incursion dans le monde de la mode?Tu as fini?
Pour ce qui est de ce musée,je le trouve très beau en l'ai fait il y a longtemps avec des enfants de mon ancien travail,mais shame on n'y ai pas encore emmener mes enfants...à FAIRE!

Anabelle said...

Nora, oui, emmènes-y tes enfants, je suis sûre qu'ils adoreront!
Quant à mon incursion dans le monde de la mode, oui, c'est fini, en tout cas pour le moment, c'était une mission d'interprétariat sur le salon Tranoï. C'était speed et intéressant. Bon, en fait, ce n'était pas très nouveau pour moi, cet univers, puisque mon homme est designer de mode. Mais ce n'est pas "mon" univers et c'était sympa d'y refaire un tour, même si je pense être un peu trop nature pour cet environnement au quotidien...