Wednesday, November 30, 2011

My Advent calendar part 2

Well, I'm not done yet with the Advent calendar - and not "Avent" like I wrote yesterday :) I had SO MANY things to do today I could not even get near it. I'll finish it tomorrow afternoon after work because tonight I am dead and I still have to dishes to wash and toys to put away, and... (nothing very interesting, so I'll spare you the details).

So, this is how it looks so far:

What is this, you may ask? It's a piece of painted wood that I recycled for my project here, and little gifts taped on it. What is inside? All kinds of things: Christmas chocolates, candies, fancy chewing gums, little figure stamps, a little piece of jewelry, and other things like sweet notes, or little vouchers (for a hot chocolate with salty caramel for instance). I love vouchers.

I used this video to make my origami envelope.

In all honesty, I am having a lot of fun making this calendar, and I am sure my daughter will love it. There'll be a little baby cookie for Swann here and there too, just for the fun of it.

The final work right here, tomorrow!


French Cannes Cannes said...

J'adore! C'est trop cute :-) F is going to love opening one gift each day! I'll have to steal this idea when I have kiddos at home :-) (les bons sont super comme idée aussi - can't beat a caramel hot chocolate from the 'bucks!)

Nora said...

Lovely!Quelle jolie idée que ces petites enveloppes et petit coupons....Pour ce qui est de GATLIF, Gadjo Dilo est le premier film que j'ai vu de lui et j'en est été bouleversée:la musique,l'univers,la vie des rroms...ça ne m'a plus jamais quitté.Douce nuit

C said...

It looks great! It will be gorgeous when you are finished and it will be LOVED!! I know what you mean, I feel like I'm just not getting anything done at the moment, the phrase banging my head against a brick wall springs to mind. I hope your days get a little bit easier xx

un arc-en-ciel dans le lavabo said...

je fais des bons pour aussi depuis quelques années (ma fille a 12 ans) ce calendrier de l'Avent est un des plus chouettes que j'ai vu !

et puis, puisque je m'absente cette semaine, avec un peu d'avance ... joyeux Noël !
contente d'avoir découvert ton blog

Anabelle said...

Merci Valérie. Bien joli blog que le tien aussi. J'ai voulu te laisser un commentaire, mais je n'ai pas trouvé de lien... J'espère donc que tu liras ce message.
Très bonne semaine à toi aussi et un joyeux Noël! A bientôt :)