Saturday, June 11, 2011

To show or not to show...

I have been debating with myself for awhile now, whether to show pictures of my kids or not, on this blog. When I started it, it was clear for me that I would not. One, my baby is too small to decide if he wants people to see pictures of him and I think anybody should have the right to decide to have their pictures on the Internet or not. I mean, once it's out, it's out, you can't take it back if one day you regret what you wrote or what you showed. Second, I admit that just the idea alone that someone perverse could stop here and watch my kids with perverse eyes makes me sick.
At the same time, part of me feels that these reasons are a little old-fashion. Everybody has their kids on the Internet now and who cares! Perverse people can look at my kids anywhere in the street or at the park and I can't always help it. My baby's picture can be taken by anybody outside and put on the Internet, even my own friends could post pictures of him and not necessarily tell me. At least if I post them, I can choose which ones I want to show.

I asked my daughter not a long time ago, and she said she wouldn't mind if I put pictures showing her face on my blog. But then is she old enough to realize what it means? And then again, what's the big deal?

I've been visiting a lot of blogs - I mean a WHOLE LOT of blogs - these past months and most of the "mommy bloggers" show their kids. A lot of them make great pictures.
But I must admit that I am not so crazy about blogs where you only have pictures of the kids, as if they were the only focus of their mothers, like pages and pages of close-ups of kids, it makes me uncomfortable because at one point I feel that it becomes too intimate and this is not something I would want to do. Anyway, I could not write only about my children...

But sometimes I take a picture of them and think "it's too bad, this is such a good picture and I would love to share it"... But then I don't know...

How do you guys feel about showing pictures of your children or family, or even of yourself?

How do you feel about writing about your personal life? 
Answers welcome (in any language!)...


Oameni Pentru Succes said...

Hi Anabelle! I discovered your blog while searching for interior boutiques in Paris and I got caught in your reading, especially the posts about Giorgio and things to know about Parisians. I am applying for a type of internship in Paris and I was wondering if there is any way you could help me with my search please reply at Aside this,your blog is becoming very nice and open. Good luck!

Anabelle said...

Hi Daniela, thanks for your message!
For your internship in Paris, I think the best is that you contact the companies you would like to work with and try to see directly with them. One thing you have to know though, is that it is quite hard even for the French to find one, but it is not impossible... So good luck and I hope you will succeed and be able to come to Paris!