Thursday, April 5, 2012


It's funny how time feels different when you change your rythme! I've been waking up very early these past days to be at work at 8:30, and I must say that, even though I positively hate having to wake up early, I love it! (I know this sentence sounds weird...)

My new job is very interesting (thanks for asking Nora!), I am teaching French in a private school for foreign students and I love the atmosphere of travelling, the excitment of learning and speaking French, the enthusiasm of the students and also their exigence. In my classes, I met Patrizia, an Italian woman, whose daughter is living in France, and whose accent is like a song, she's got a laughter in her eyes and she doesn't like writting in French (she's never learnt how to); Awilda, an American from Porto Rico, who hates being cold and likes sharing her experience with the others; Christof, a German boy who is only 17 but very concerned by ecology; Emily, a 20 something Canadian girl who says she hates money (how sweet it is to be young!); and Maxim, from Netherlands, who loves sport and going dancing on Saturday nights (again, good to be young!)

Apart from that, Swann has learnt how to drag his crocodile (I know that sounds kind of weird too, but see picture bellow for a better understanding), Florina has read her first book by Jacqueline Wilson,(hello Kerry!), Earl has had a rather successful week, and I've cooked Asian three days in a row, which I think everybody enjoyed. My main source of inspiration in terms of Japanese cooking, is here.

I now have to start preparing for Florina's birthday celebration with the family on Saturday (birthdays last a looong time around here), I plan to make a Romanian buffet for her (for those who don't know, she's part Romanian Gypsy from her dad)... Work, work, work!


KERRY said...

Good to see some Jacqueline Wilson going on! I hope she enjoys it! Maisie has read almost all her books now I think! Good to hear about your interesting new job. I love the way you write about things :) Funny enough, we’re eating loads of Asian food too. Dan has been visiting an Asian supermarket and it’s definitely taken his cooking onto the next level. i have to say, it’s nice to have a break from it now an then though! There’s only so much pho I can take! Have a lovely weekend x

Round Circles said...

Oh c'est génial ce travail:tu rencontres des gens différents,tu leur fait aimer ta langue maternelle,et tu abordes des sujets sympas en tentant de les faire progresser...Mon mari a pris des cours d'anglais l'an passé et il a adoré:que de l'oral,des débats sur des sujets personnels ou non et de l'acquisition de vocabulaire!
Pour ce qui est de l'anniv':c'est vrai que les enfants le font deux voire ,trois fois:la famille les amis l'école:mais c'est si bon!!!Et un anniv' ambiance Rrom ah j'adore!

Je ne connais pas cette auteure... Je vais voir si j'arrive à décrocher ma grande de son Harry Potter chéri(elle à lu les 4 premiers tomes au moins4 fois chacun!!!)Du coup tout ce qu'elle peut lire aujourd'hui est moins bien que son HP!!!
Je suis preneuse de références lectures captivantes pour les 9- 11 ans!!!

Trop chou ton beau Swann et son crocro!

Anonymous said...

j'aime bien lire les morceaux de tes journées :)

ton petit est trop chou...