Monday, March 12, 2012


Swann walks now. He has started really walking on the 26th of February, the day after his birthday party, as if being celebrated by all the family had given him wings. So now, he walks all the time, everywhere, like a little penguin. It is still a shaky kind of walk, but he walks and he loves it. 

It's funny to see how babies learn differently. When she was a  baby, Florina spent weeks (maybe even months) walking around the apartment, helping herself with everything she could find, holding hands and chairs. And then one day, on the 14th of July (Bastille Day), at the age of 15 months 1/2, she started walking on her own. We were outside at the park, sitting on the grass, and she stood up and walked away. She walked and walked and I let her walk, and then finally she turned around and she was so proud, and so was I. From that point on, she walked perfectly, she never fell or anything. She had been waiting for the right time, waiting to be completely ready to jump in the water. Just the opposite of Swann, who is determined to walk, no matter how often he falls on his behind!

(My girl, ten years ago, a butterfly had landed on her back)

I love the fact that children have their own personalities, and you learn with them as much as they learn with you. 

It's sunny in Paris and it looks like we're going to have a beautiful week. So I wish you a good one, and most of all, I hope you'll have fun.


Round Circles said...

J'aime comme tu t'émerveilles des petites et grandes choses du quotidien....J'adore cette photo "the butterfly and the girl" ....Et je suis super contente pour toi que ton p'tit Swann gagne en autonomie de mouvement...Il court vers son destin ton loulou;-)
Beau mardi sous le soleil j'espère!

Loes said...

Family giving him wings; that's so sweet!

French Cannes Cannes said...

Go Swann Go :-) Family gave S wings and F got hers from a butterfly ;-)

Polly (nice kind of blue) said...

How exciting Swann walking! Running next! And lovely of you to remember the date they took the first steps : )

C said...

Yeay!! Go Swann! Now the fun and the chasing really starts x