Tuesday, September 20, 2011

7 months of joy

So this is my baby's 7 months anniversary today, and he slept most of the day, looking all tired and sick, waking up only to eat and play a little then going back to sleep in a minute. I wouldn't be surprised to see his first tooth showing up very soon...

Last night was his very first night in his little bedroom. Until yesterday, he was sleeping in ours - yes, I know - and then we decided it was time for him to sleep in his own room. Unfortunately, the babyphone got crazy and woke us up all night for no reason, except for the one time Swann woke up, since he doesn't seem to be able (or to want) to sleep the full night yet.

Last night our bedroom was different: the light was on, and the small crib was empty. I thought: What would I do without my baby? I felt a small twinge of sadness knowing he would not sleep with us anymore, but then I thought that babies have to grow and that it's good for all of us. My man worked late, so I started reading a book - which is something I hadn't done in ages - and I ate chocolate and peanuts in bed. This morning Swann was smiling like usual, and he had obvioulsy enjoyed his new bedroom.

Well, every month brings new steps in life... I am so happy to be a part of this and watch my baby grow.