Sunday, June 26, 2011

Cupcakes and me Part 2 (Getting crazy with cupcakes)

Me, last night while everybody was alseep:
- Baking cupcakes for real.
- Decorating cupcakes.
- Understanding that I made way too many cupcakes and that it was going to take me a little longer than expected...

And this is what I've been doing this past week...

Cupcakes for Father's Day:

Bad picture, but delicious carrot cupcakes...

Cupcakes for the day after Father's Day... no reason why...

Cupcakes to finish the cheesecream icing in the fridge (as you can see, I'm getting better - and with handmade marzipan flowers):

Cupcakes for my daughter's little party today:

Oh la la, I see cupcakes everywhere now! 

Well, if I can do it, you guys can do it too! I have great and easy recipes and tips, I'll post them later... after I digested...


French Cannes Cannes said...

You're a pro! They should hire you at Berko!! Love your frosting decorations - yiam!

Anabelle said...

Ah ah! Thank you!!!