Sunday, April 1, 2012

this week

I've had very little time to blog this week, but it was a very good one. The birthday celebration, the sunshine, a new job which means new people that I'm going to meet and a new rythme, I can't wait! 

This is a plate Earl brought me after dinner, while I was watching TV last Sunday night, and then he went to wash the dishes. (You might say he's the perfect man). 

At the metro station to my new job, nice view isn't it?

Going there, dressed to work again (it feels good), and with my nail polish matching the metro seat...

He had a lot of fun with his big sister's old toy stroller. At the park, I heard a mother scream at her son because he wanted to play with it. Are you crazy? This is a girl toy! Welcome to the old world...

She spent most of her freetime playing with the new DS game she got for her birthday, Art Academy. A fun game that teaches you how to draw and paint... I could use it myself (I draw like a 6 year-old).

I hope you all had a good week and a good weekend. What was your best moment?


Round Circles said...

Oh génial cette reprise du travail...tu t'es faite toute belle!
Pour la poussette et les p'tits gars ,en effet on a encore un train de retard en France!Mon fils adorait aussi jouer avec la poussette et les poupées de sa grande sœurs et j'ai moi aussi eu droit au parc ,à ce genre de réactions archaïques et rétrogrades!
Et ta grande:je dis bravo!!!vous avez tenus bon...Je résiste aussi aux demandes de jeux vidéos que mes enfants voient chez leurs copains.

Round Circles said...

Bises et belle semaine à toi Anabelle