I take a few minutes here and there to read my favorite blogs, but I rarely have time to write a comment, even if I often would like to... I guess some of you know what I'm talking about...
Anyway, I'm trying to hang on to the blog world!
But I've also started a kind of new discipline for myself, which consist in trying to wake up early even on days off (I'm totally nuts you might think) and doing the things that I must do first before taking freetime (like, you know, laundry, food shopping, cleaning... before sitting down and getting hooked on the Internet for two hours). This discipline,which doesn't sound very friendly, actually keeps me "together", because now that I have a new rythme, I have to make sure things are done, but with less time... Not easy! Add to this my crazy idea of doing
Well, well... On a lighter note, I am very happy to be the winner of Erika's giveaway. You probably know about her lovely blog, Mikodesign. In case you don't, I warmly recommend you go and visit her!
On Monday, since it was a holiday for us, I went to the country with my mother and my little tribe (funny how two kids can feel like a tribe sometimes). We went near the place where we used to stay when I was a kid and until I left for Paris, at the age of 16. That was a nice walk in nature, with
Back home, since I felt a little superstitious about it, I had Florina blowing her missing candle, and we laughed because after blowing only 10 candles, it looked like she was now celebrating her 1 year-old birthday again!
Now it's time to stop eating chocolate and sweets and to go back to a better healthy diet... Discipline, discipline...
“This year, mend a quarrel. Seek out a forgotten friend. Dismiss suspicion and replace it with trust. Write a letter. Give a soft answer. Encourage youth. Manifest your loyalty in word and deed. Keep a promise. Forgo a grudge. Forgive an enemy. Apologize. Try to understand. Examine your demands on others. Think first of someone else. Be kind. Be gentle. Laugh a little more. Express your gratitude. Welcome a stranger. Gladden the heart of a child. Take pleasure in the beauty and wonder of the earth. Speak your love and the speak it again.”
Howard W. Hunter
Organisation: le maitre mot des journée sans souci qui permet par ailleurs de mieux gérer l'imprévu!
Tu as fait bien Anabelle!
J'aime beaucoup cette bougie de "rattrapage" et ce retour aux sources pour toi et tes enfants:et la nature,ça fait toujours un bien fou!
Bises ma belle Anabelle
Oh, merci Nora! Et je viens de voir que tu m'as "décerné" le Liebster blog Award, comme c'est touchant! J'irai mettre un petit commentaire chez toi dès demain :-) (Pour l'heure, je vais me coucher... réveil à 6h15 demain!)
Merci aussi pour cette citation, oh comme j'aimerais arriver à faire tout ça, être tout ça... Mais j'essaye, je cherche, chaque jour un peu plus, à m'améliorer... Plus je "vieillis" et plus il me semble qu'il faut que je travaille sur moi...
Bise à toi aussi, bien chère Nora
I know what you mean! I've been missing your comments, but then I haven't been blogging all that much either... Every time I'm in front of the computer I'm aware of all the other things I should be doing. But you can't do everything... Keeping happy is the best thing to concentrate on!
Blogger c'est bien....ce concentrer sur soi et ceux qu'on aime c'est mieux...tu me manques un peu ici mais l'essentiel est ailleurs!
Bises copine!
Un lien qui devrait te "parler":
Nora, tu as bien raison... Même si blogger plus souvent me manque et vous lire, être en connexion avec vous, mes copines bloggeuses, je me rends bien compte que j'ai besoin de ce temps dans la "vraie" vie aussi: du sport, des activités avec mes enfants, le travail, remplir mes journées de choses concrètes... Du coup, il reste peu de temps pour fixer les souvenirs sur mon blog, ou capturer les petits détails...
Je vais regarder la vidéo maintenant, merci pour le lien.
Bise et merci pour ton soutien, ça a beaucoup de valeur pour moi.
Bon dimanche Nora!
pouahh, à qui le dis-tu.. nouveau job depuis 1 semaine, et plus le temps de bloguer, flanner... un rythme à reprendre. Heureusement les journées sont longues, c'est déjà ça.
I'm with you AT! Sometimes it's nice to dedicate more time to the real world...but I feel so guilty cheating on the blog! I've been taking some time for me too and I have to say, exercising, cooking and being with friends is good food for the soul;-) Plus a new job changes everything - I'm sure your rhythm will works itself out soon! Xx
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