Thursday, March 22, 2012


It's springtime again. I started cleaning the balcony and collected seeds that we will soon plant.
Roses from my sweetheart.

Cake decorations for the girls on Saturday (they want to make their own cupcakes!). Fun napkins.

It's been a tense and painful week in France, after the dramas in Toulouse. I pray for the children, father, and young men who died so innocently and for their families, and I'll keep them in my heart. 
Sometimes you just wish life could always be as sweet and delicate as this little bouquet Earl gave me. But it's so fragile... 

Now it's time for children to be children again, and that's why I'm going to make sure the girls have a lot of fun this weekend. 

Have a beautiful day.


Round Circles said...

Que les drames de la vie,nous empêchent d'oublier qu'il y a urgence à vivre et profiter de chaque seconde...Des fleurs,une fête,des moments tendres....

Belle soirée d'anniversaire à ta grande et ses copines...tu devrais bien t'amuser aussi,car des déco pour cupcakes font vraiment envie.
Bises Anabelle

Anabelle said...

Comme tu as raison Nora, et c'est si joliment dit...

Merci! Oui, je pense qu'on va tous s'amuser demain :)
Bise et très bon week-end à vous aussi!

Anonymous said...

hi anabelle. thanks so much for your comment. it is lovely to meet you. have a good weekend.

French Cannes Cannes said...

It's been so sad following the Toulouse events - and then watching the cermonies for the children on the bus...just horrible, horrible things. Carpe Diem! Have a wonderful night tonight! (vive hema!)

Anabelle said...

Oh my God, these poor children on the bus, it broke my heart to hear it. And these three runaway teenage sisters who died while crossing the highway... So sad.
Yes, carpe diem... Let's enjoy life and let's take care of our loved ones, especially the children...

Have a "super" sunny weekend FCC!

PS: I love Hema!

Jen said...

The roses are devine. If I ever receive such lovlies I will cheer. (unlikely - my h is not a great giver of flowers). Sad news this week in France. However I look forward to reading of happier days to come x

Anonymous said...

des cupcakes, superbe idée !