That's what Swann did yesterday, several times, and he obviously liked it a lot. He first tried shyly, then another time with a little bit more sand, then another time, then when no one was looking, he couldn't resit and promptly stuffed a handful of sand in his mouth. What was I doing you may ask? Well... he was quick... Florina kept saying that the wet sand looked like crumble cake, so... yes... if you look at it this way... an enourmous crumble cake right at your feet...
haha! I used to make "cakes" in the sandbox - so I think Florina is right :-)
on peut faire des châteaux de sable et aussi des gâteaux de sable....Alors de là, à gouter ce qu'on prépare hein!!!
Merci pour ton message:j'avoue que les cultures des pays de l'est me fascinent et...que l'artisanat d'art de manière générale m'attire énormément....Besos
Love that the weather is warming up and we can hang around at the sand-pit too. The only thing is it gets EVERYWHERE... summer always brings a light dusting of sand into our house even though we are miles from the beach!
I found you when you left a comment on Crystal's blog. Lovely photos. My eldest (now 17!) used to eat sand by the handful...
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