Monday, August 8, 2011

I love Bordeaux: with kids

Bordeaux is a great city to travel in: it is quiet and easy to visit. Here is a few interesting things to do and fun places to go to with kids (or without kids as a matter of fact).

The lake
It takes fifteen minutes by car from the center of the city to get there, and it's a lot of fun for the kids. 
All kinds of people go there, you can stay on the grass or on the sand. The girls had so much fun, and my baby put his toes in the water (it was rather cold).

The Pey-Berland Tower
(I didn't go there because I stayed with my baby. All pictures from the tower courtesy of Florina.)
Like my daughter said, it's the "Sagrada Familia" of Bordeaux! You'll get to see a splendid view of Bordeaux and around.

The water miror
Day and night, there are people walking in the water, kids running and slpashing water, couples taking pictures, and tourists taking a break from their long days of walking and visiting.

The models of the city
There are three of them, one on the Place de la Comédie, one on the Place du Palais and one on the Place Jean Moulin. Each one shows a part of Bordeaux. The game can be to try to find them around the center of Bordeaux, the first who sees them wins...

The ice creams
These bellow are special treats, but you can find nice glaciers everywhere in the center with so many flavours, like Bounty, straciatella, yogourt, crème brûlée, tiramisu, caramel, cookie... Delicious!
(Pictures courtesy of my daughter)

The Grand Théâtre
In Summer, they have exhibits about theater, last year was about the sounds, and this year it is about the costumes. Beautiful. And the theater is stupendous, you have to see it.
(Pictures courtesy of my father)

The museum of modern art.
The location is great and they often have exhibits that can be interesting for children too.
(Pictures courtesy of my father again).

I am sure there is a lot of other things to do with kids in Bordeaux, like the Petit Train that goes around the city for instance. This year was pretty quiet for us because of the baby, we couldn't do a lot of things. But both my daughter and her cousin came back to Paris completely delighted by their trip in Bordeaux and are ready to go back whenever they can!

My Bordelaises readers are welcome to comment and add places to visit :-)

1 comment:

un courant d'air dans la maison said...

OUPS, sorry j'étais out of Bordeaux la semaine passée ! d'où mon temps de réaction, moi qui compte parmi tes lectrices bordelaises... hihi Je vois que tu as bien profité en famille ! la prochaine fois, on se croisera peut-être... La plage du lac, c'est mon lieu préféré pour la pause déjeuner ! il y a une autre à l'autre bout de la ville aussi "Bègles Plage" (tout un programme!)... L'entrepôt où se trouve le musée d'art contemporain,aura été mon quotidien pendant 3 ans... et monter à la tour PeyBerland reste un de mes dernier challenge urbain à faire en famille ! En fait, on aurait pu se croiser un peu partout ;-))