Saturday, August 20, 2011

6 months of joy

The day before Swann was born, six months and a day ago, I cooked dinner with my daughter. We made dinner for everybody (us and my man and my step son) and we ate and had a great time, then I went to bed and early in the morning I started feeling contractions. I knew due time had come. 

The first time I saw him, I fell in love with him. Six months ago. It was one of those rare moments you have in life, something memorable, something so big that you can't even put words on it. He came out of me. For him, I have to be a good mother, I want to make him happy and make him grow into a big boy. I have to teach him how to fly.

Tomorrow I will start to give him baby powdered milk in the afternoon because we need to get ready for the kindergarden. I say "we" because I think it will be as difficult for me (if not more difficult) as for him to separate for more than two or three hours. He is going to start going there on September the 22th, so he should be used to drink milk from the bottle for lunch and in the afternoon. I will try to continue to nurse him in the morning and in the evening as long as possible, that means as long as he and I will enjoy it.
I thought 6 months old was a good time to start. Also now, he is really curious about everything that's going on around him and it is getting hard to nurse him when there are people in the room because he keeps turning his head to see what people are doing. When we were in the south, he kept smiling to Natacha, my friends L&K's two month-old daughter. Each time he heard her cry he would stop drinking, turn his head towards her and smile, then he would start "speaking" to her using his very deep tone, it was so cute. I call him Donny Hathaway sometimes, because he has such a deep and sugary voice. I think maybe he'll like the bottle because this way he will be facing people while eating. We'll see...

For the moment he is asleep so I won't be able to take my monthly picture of us, but this was a few days ago, when we were on holidays.

Smiling to each other...

6 months ago, waiting at the hospital...
My little boy... He makes me a Jewish mother, an Italian mama, a lion in the jungle protecting her baby. I am so proud of him!


un courant d'air dans la maison said...

trop mignon ton petit, le mien avait la même couleur dorée, et une grosse tête un peu aplatie sur l'arrière... ;-))

Anabelle said...

Oui, tu as vu, il n'a pas beaucoup de cheveux pour l'instant... On verra comment ils seront... surprise!

J'en profite pour te remercier pour l'info sur le deuxième lac de Bordeaux, ce sera pour l'année prochaine.
Mais, ça doit être bien agréable la pause déjeuner au lac... quelle chance d'être bordelaise!

Quant à se croiser à Bordeaux, avec plaisir lors de mon prochain séjour :-)

un courant d'air dans la maison said...

ça marche avec plaisir ! les cheveux du mien étaient lisses et fin quand il était petit, now ils sont épais, chatain, et s'ils étaient plus long ils ondulerait je suppose...