Friday, October 11, 2013

thought of the day

I've always been proud of my blog. I don't care if it's one small tiny space lost in the ocean of millions of blogs. I just wanted to write and share my experience with other women (men are absolutely welcome but I don't fool myself: these topics will mainly interest women).
Well, it's been like that. And this is how I met Nora, FCC, Alexis, Maria, Kerry, Polly, and Kiki, and... No one among my friends and family - except for my man and my daughter - knows about my blog. I've always prefered to gather new friends, even "virtual" ones, women from all over the world, and not get easy comments from friends or family members who are going to like whatever I write, no matter what.
Writing this blog has kept me connected to other women when I was pregnant and off work, and then when Swann was a baby and I was at home taking care of him, and then after, going back to work. I realized that we often feel the same emotions about our babies, our kids, our motherhood, our womanhood and through the blogs, I have found new inspirations (education, decoration, music...). And even if I have less time to write, I still love this blog and enjoy visiting the others'. And so what if some people read my blog and don't like what I write, especially if they do it in a looking-through-the-peephole kind 
of way, somewhere I am sure they wished they had the guts to actually go out and write a blog. So they can keep coming if they feel like it, they might even learn something about life.

And by the way, I just graduated with a master's degree and I am quite proud of myself (this explains also why you haven't heard a lot about me: working and studying takes time!). This was a long process to do so, as you know I am not exactly 25 anymore, but I am pretty happy with my master in foreign languages and cultures didactics. Now I can put on the table my work exeprience and four degrees in different foreign languages and didactics, like my man says, this makes me "a very intelligent woman" ☀☀☀ (also read l...o...l)

Seriously, I don't think intelligence has anything to do at all with academic education. If anything, I have been watching well-educated people act like real morons lately and I don't think that going to university helps leading an intelligent or happy life, even though it can definitely help in other fields. I think it's more what you do with your degrees, and mostly what drives you, how you make your decisions in life and how you handle good and bad.

Picture by Philippe Halsman

Have a lovely weekend and feel strong and pretty!


Alexis said...

Congratulations. Mummy-ing, studying, working, achieving and being happy. And as to everything else, agree, agree, agree!

Barbara said...

What a wonderful role model you are to your children!! I have missed you and though I don't really know you...I am so proud of your accomplishment. That you did this while taking care of your family is...HUGE!! Hugs from the US. Xoxo FCC's mom

Anabelle said...

Thank you Alexis ♥ I love your blog! My God, Coco is so big now!!

Thank you Barbara!! Your words mean so much to me and they go straight to my heart! I've read about you through FCC's blog and I have to tell you I think you are a great mother and the absolute best to make your kids happy on their birthdays ☀
Hugs ♥

Polly (nice kind of blue) said...

Hello Anabelle, and congratulations on your masters! I just guessed you'd been busy with work and kids, but it turns out even more than that! Life is such a busy thing, I love that of course, but it's sometimes annoying when I only get to this post 12 days after you posted it ;) x

Nora said...

Bravo !Toutes mes félicitations pour l'obtention de ton Master!
Tu as du mérite car travailler,s'occuper de sa p'tite famille ET reprendre des études c'est un vrai challenge!!!
Mon blog aussi est un en en friche en ce moment mais j'y serais ce que pour les jolies rencontres que j'ai pu faire grâce à ce lieu virtuel...
rencontre qui se sont parfois concrétisée dans la Vraie vie;-)

Je t'embrasse fort Anabelle....

Anabelle said...

Thank you Polly: I know, time goes so fast, but I always love visiting your garden when I have a moment!

Merci Nora, quand tu reviendras, j'aurai plaisir à te lire, en attendant, j'espère que tu es heureuse et que tu profites de la vie ♥