Friday, February 24, 2012


Thanks you so much for all the lovely comments on my baby boy's birthday!

It's holidays for the children here, and it looks like the busiest time for me! No time for blogging or read blogs, no time for resting, but it's good to have the kids around.

Here are a few pictures I took yesterday at the Parc Floral where we had a lot of fun, me and the kids. It was a very grey and foggy day with a nice little drizzle, hence the pictures that look pretty dark and grey (my favorite color, so I like that). I like this weather too, when you can smell the durt and the grass, the whiteness of the sky, there is something melancholic and beautiful about this weather. You feel so far away and, you know, how good is this feeling when you come back home and it's warm and cosy.

Tomorrow is Swann's big birthday party with friends and family, we are expecting over 20 people so needless to say that it's been smelling like baking cakes and pies today in this house!

Have a lovely weekend everybody!


Anonymous said...

bon j'avoue, je ne suis pas fan de ce ciel...
mais tes photos sont jolies, c'est une prouesse !

Round Circles said...

J'adorecette photo à contre jour sur la grande toile d'araigné alors t'as l'air toute jeunette sur ta balançoire....C'est toi qui te sentais viellir?
T'es magnifique!
Ca fait du bien de prendre l'air après les températures polaires de ces dernières semaines!

Anabelle said...

Oh, merci Nora, tu es un amour!

Anabelle said...

Merci Emilie, j'aime le gris :)