Friday, January 6, 2012

Arigato Kusama

This morning, I went to the exhibit of the great Yayoi Kusama, at the Georges Pompidou museum and took a few unauthorized pictures (it's bad, I know, but I just couldn't help it...). If you haven't been to this exhibit and you stay in Paris, go quick, it ends after this week-end. It is just ma-gni-fi-cient.

More informations on the exhibit here.
Have a great week-end everybody. I personally hope to get more sleep, since Swann has been awake from 4:15 (a.m, that's the problem) to 5:30 for three nights in a row...


un courant d'air dans la maison said...

c'est magnifique ! j'aurais pris des photos aussi, tu as bien fait ! c'est nul la non autorisation de prendre des photos...

Anabelle said...

Oui, c'est vraiment nul... En tout cas, je ne regrette pas d'avoir bravé l'interdit, je regrette surtout de n'avoir pas pu en prendre plus ;)
Bon dimanche!

Polly (nice kind of blue) said...

WOW! I'm SO envious. I absolutely love her work it just makes me smile so much. I'd love for the exhibition to come here to the UK... I think I'd have been sneaking photos too!

Polly (nice kind of blue) said...

Gosh, I just googled and see she has an exhibition coming up in London starting on February 9th at the Tate Modern!

Anabelle said...

Great!!! Hope you'll show me your pictures ;)